Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Top 10: Song Predictions
On to the predictions!
Aaron Kelly- Brian McKnight "Back At One"
In keeping with his tradition of choosing mid-tempo to slow songs that have been covered by a country artist, I expect Aaron to pick this song and do reasonably well with it. Mark Willis had a hit with his version of this song, and since Aaron does not have an R&B/Soul voice in the slightest, I think he should play this week safe and do a song he knows he can handle. He has no fear of going home this week, sadly, but he needs to just do what he can to survive. This song is gift wrapped with a bow for him to pick, but I could also see him completing his love for cheesy songs like "My Girl" with "Stand By Me."
Andrew Garcia- Rihanna "Umbrella" or Neyo "Because of You"
Ok, Andrew is in trouble this week if the judges slam him again. He's tried to get out of "Straight Up's" shadow for weeks now by doing different things, but they have all failed miserably. My suggestion is to go back to the basics and try what made you known again. It did work for the Fallout Boy song, but it has been proven with these two songs to work. All he has to do is YouTube Boyce Avenue's covers of either of these songs and copy. At this point, his pride should be out the window and he should just worry about gaining voters. Both of these songs would be good picks for him and he would sound good on them. "Umbrella" is the obvious choice by most people, but we will see if he tries to switch it up on us. Sadly, it'd probably be safer for him to not surprise us and play what everyone wants him to play.
Casey James- Sam and Dave "Soul Man" or Otis Redding "I've Been Loving You Too Long"
Casey is a lock this week, so he doesn't have to try to outdo himself this week. I think that he would sound good on "Soul Man" with a little blues guitar thrown in. There isn't much R&B/Soul that fits his style, really, but this would be the closest thing in his range. If he wanted to be daring and try and showcase his vocals in a way that we haven't seen as of yet, he could do "I've Been Loving You Too Long." This is a song that seems out of his range, but if he could make it work it might prove to be a rewarding gamble to help his stock in the competition.
Crystal Bowersox- Toni Braxton "Un-break My Heart" or Aretha Franklin "Respect"
I will suggest "Un-Break My Heart" again this week, because I think that she would kill it, but my gut is telling me that she won't pick it. She has a "surprise for us" this week, and I don't know what that means, but I'm hoping that she can bring a different aspect of herself to her performances. I think she is going guitar-less tonight, so that is a plus. She has killed Aretha before, so I wouldn't be surprised if she dipped back into that bag. She is one of only two girls who could do this song justice. Whatever it is, she is obviously safe.
Didi Benami- Smokey Robinson & the Miracles "The Tears of a Clown" or Mary Wells "My Guy"
Didi does not have a soul voice. We saw how she did with "Lean on Me," and it was sans soul the entire time. I think she could do one of these songs well because they aren't SO soulful that she couldn't manage a version of them. "Tears" would be good because she is a basket case and cries all the time, so she could related to it, and "My Guy" would be good because it has that bright, sunny vocal rather than the deep, rich tone that most of the other songs have. That style would suit her better.
Katie Stevens- Monica "For You I Will" or The Temptations "Ain't Too Proud to Beg"
She's been saying that she wants to be a pop/R&B artist, so this is Katie's chance to show us what she's got. I can hear her sounding very good on a Monica song, but I can also see her having more fun then she's been having lately with "Ain't Too Proud to Beg." I'm hoping she goes with the later and loosens up a little more. She's got the voice to do well, but she just has to bring everything else into focus, because right now, she has no shot at the top 5.
Lee Dewyze- Ray Charles "Georgia on My Mind"
This song wasn't picked for him because I think he could sing it amazingly and completely change my opinion of him. It was chosen because of the tone of Ray Charles' voice and how it would be the only tone that Lee might be able to pull off. That gravely, raspy quality to his voice would be ok on this song, but it wouldn't beat Matt Giraud's version that he did in Hollywood week last year. Lee is out of his element for sure this week, but as long as the judges keep stroking his ego week in and week out, he will remain on the show. They should really start giving him some criticism that he can use...
Michael Lynche- The Four Tops "Baby, I Need Your Loving" or James Brown "I Got You (I Feel Good)"
Big Mike did a ballad last week, so expect him to liven things up a little. I can see him bouncing around the stage on either of these songs. He is a high-octane, confident performer, and if anyone could pull of James Brown, it would be him. He sits in the same boat as Casey and Crystral right now- obviously safe.
Siobhan Magnus- Aretha Franklin "Chain of Fools" or The Supremes "Where Did Our Love Go"
Siobhan wants to get away from having to do the high note every week (or at least the judges think she should), but she needs to do whatever will get her votes. Sometimes, that means screaming like a banshee. She has also done an Aretha song before, so we know the range and power are there to handle that order, but if she decides to go a more mellow route, she can do a haunting version of this Supreme's song. She is the last of the "Obviously Safes."
Tim Urban- Jimmy Ruffin "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" or Otis Redding "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay"
Poor Tim. He will have his hands full this week, seeing that of all the contestants, he has the least amount of soul. He has the whitest voice in the competition, so he is just praying that he can connect with a ballad like "What Becomes" or play a crowd favorite like "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay." He was in the bottom 2 last week, so unless he comes out of no where with crazy vocals, he will probably be there again this week, and with a serious shot of going home.
We'll see how these contestants can handle this theme, but I feel like we are going to get a rerun of last week- a few who shine and a lot that don't.
Until next time...
Your American Idol Junkie,
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Top 11: Performance and Elimination Results (SPOILER ALERT!)
Without further ado, here are the performance reviews!
Lee Dewyze- "The Letter" by The Box Tops
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I do not, for the life of me, see what the judges see in this guy. The praised him for loosening up and "owning" the stage. Puh-lease! His neck was so tense that his shoulders were touching his ear lobes. He looked like a turtle! He was not relaxed at all and he definitely did not look comfortable or like he was having fun. This was not the right song for him, in my opinion. The big band feel didn't add anything to his performance and it just felt forced. Still not a fan of his voice or his vocal phrasing, but if you are more of a rock fan, I can see where you'd like him, just because the pickings are slim. I don't think he will make it as long as the judges seem to think. He will be a "shocking" elimination in a few weeks. You heard it here, folks.
Paige Miles- "Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)
Hands down, undoubtedly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, this was the worst I've ever heard anyone sound on the show (not including the auditions, of course). I was wondering who would try to do a Mariah song and, granted she cheated by doing the Mariah version of a Phil Collins song, Paige felt like she was up to the task. Boy, was she wrong. She was off from the very first note. There was no power behind her voice in the first verse and chorus. The tone was unbearable. It was extremely pitchy. And all the while, she knew it. Once she "busted" into the belting portion, she knew it was already too late, and then the nerves took over. As brutal as the judges were to her, including the phrases "that was horrible..." and "the worst performance of the season...", they were absolutely right. What's more amazing is that they spared her the "worst performance EVER" onslaught. They are so merciful. It would take a miracle for her to be safe this week.
Tim Urban- "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" by Queen
High School Musical/Glee has just found their new star. Tim, knowing that his time on the show is short lived, decided to take Ellen's advice from a few weeks ago and showcase his show choir side. Complete with knee slides, hopping into the audience, cheesy dance moves, et al., Tim showed us a side that we haven't seen before. As corny as it was, I was entertained by his energy, which distracted from the vocals. If that was his plan, he's a genius, because his vocals were ordinary. Someone said, "he didn't do near enough with that song," to which I replied, "no, he did everything that HE could possibly do." Not being as skilled as the other singers, it's amazing that he made the tour, when he couldn't even originally make the top 24. VFTW is doing backflips right now, and if he stays on another week, he will beat Sanjaya as their longest reigning pick. I'm kind of hoping that happens.
Aaron Kelly- "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith
Laryngitis/Tonsillitis strikes again! When I heard this, I got a little excited, thinking that Aaron would faulter and hurt his chances in the competition. Opting to go for the country version (surprise, surprise) rather than the more popular Aerosmith version, I'll have to give Aaron props for song choice. He has been very good about picking songs that sound decent in his vocal style, while at the same time, remaining able to pick the same tempos week in and week out without the judges becoming any the wiser. He botched a couple of "high" notes, and that shows his inexperience. There were other paths that he could have taken to make those parts work, even if it meant not going up high. G-ma's are loving him right now, even though I'm not, and are voting their little hearts away. Even though I didn't get a pick right this week, Ryan referred to him as Archuletta, so I'm going to give myself half a point on that, since obviously Ryan read it here first.
Crystal Bowersox- "Me and Bobby McGee" by Janis Joplin
First, let me say that I think Crystal looked very pretty tonight. When I can't tell that her hair is dread-locked, she is all the more attractive. Aside from that, Crystal gave us a classic Crystal performance. It was good, on-key, energetic, and a ways better than almost everyone else tonight. The only problem I have with her, still, is that she puts the exact same spin on every song. I would hate to see her in concert at this point, because all of her songs would sound exactly the same. Exactly- just different words. I liked her carpet, and I hope that she does have "big plans" for next week. She needs to ditch the guitar ASAP and give America something else to love about her. She is clearly, and deservedly, the front runner, but my expectations for her are higher than she's delivering. That is a good thing. That means I think she could potentially be great.
Michael Lynche- "When A Man Loves a Woman" by Michael Bolton
Michael can flat out sing. Putting some R&B stylings on a song as white as this one sounded pretty good. In my opinion, Michael and Crystal are in the same position on the show. The only difference is that the judges like Crystal on the whole more than they do Michael, but they gave the best song of the season award to Mike. His performance was really good, though not as good "A Woman's Worth." The judges critiques were a bit unmerited, in my opinion. If anyone else had sang that song the same way, they would have loved it. I still don't think he has anything to worry about for quite some time. And the clip of him and his little baby tote will surely keep people voting for him.
Andrew Garcia- "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" by Marvin Gaye
I'm officially off the Andrew Garcia train. He didn't listen to my advice to do "No Diggity" (thank you Clayton for recognizing genius), and he fell big time because of it. Simon was right, he really did manage to suck the soul right out of the song. There was no feeling, no passion, no inspiration...just a bunch of marginally good singing with no range and no style. I think the judges are wrong that Andrew doesn't know who he is as an artist, because he does. The only problem is that the judges don't like him as much as an artist as they liked one song. We'll see if he can dig himself out of this hole, but my bet is that the rest of the country has grown just as impatient as I am.
Katie Stevens- "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie
Katie decided to take the judges advice this week and went with a younger song. It's ironic that she choose this song, seeing as a few weeks ago, she could all but hold her composure together on the stage. That being said, I think this is the best I've heard her sound on the live shows. At first I was thinking that she didn't have a great range, as much as she was struggling with the higher notes in the chorus, but then I realized she was probably just pitchy because the jumps between the intervals were fairly difficult. Heck, I bet Fergie couldn't sing it unless she had her autotuner cranked to max. I like Katie, but her shot to win it all at this point is a big Zero. I'm not sure if she can turn it around, but she should make the tour with this performance.
Casey James- "The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News
Aside from Andrew not picking "No Diggity," this is my biggest let down in song choice. Casey had a golden opportunity at his guitar shredding fingertips and blew it by picking this song over "Smooth." I'll give him credit, he sounded really good on this song. His tone fit well with it and he didn't struggle with notes like most of the other contestants do. But still, I'm disappointed that he didn't rip out some Santana. He's still easily in the top 4, but my heart hurts that he didn't take my advice.
Didi Benami- "You're No Good" by Linda Ronstadt
As a singer only, Didi is really freaking good. She has a really cool voice and has very good control over it, for the most part. What she is not good at, however, is picking songs that fit her as an artist or showcase that voice. I understand that she wants to change things up and have fun on the show. She doesn't want to be pigeon-holed, and that is perfectly fine. There were other songs that she could have done though. This one didn't have all that much energy and her playing off of Ricky Minor like a two-bit hussy wasn't believable in the slightest. I wish this was JUST a singing competition, but sadly, it's not, and I think that will end up biting Didi in the future.
Siobhan Magnus- "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder
With her faux-hawk all pimped up, Siobhan takes on the most overdone song on American Idol, and does a decent enough job on it. She ends in one of her primal screams, since that is what causes the voters to pick up the phones. The problem I saw with her this week, though, was that the performance was somewhat sloppy. She had a few pitch issues that I haven't heard from her up until now and it seemed like she was focusing more on what was at stake than just singing the song well. She still has obviously nothing to worry about, but I expect her to switch it up a bit next week and give us something we haven't seen from her before.
Best of the night was a tie between Crystal and Mike. Tim should thank his lucky stars that he went right after Paige and she distracted everyone from his less than stellar performance. I'm not even going to spend too much time talking about the results show like I usually do. It had bad performances by Miley Cyrus and Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato, the worst group performance I've ever seen, and a predictable bottom 3 of Paige, Tim, and Katie. Paige was ultimately the one sent home. There was no other option, clearly. She turned from ok to fodder over the weeks and wasn't even allowed to sing before the judges told her that the save wouldn't be used on her. Ouch.
After a few relatively good weeks, I was kind of disappointed with what the contestants gave us this week. What do you think? Should they just scrap the tour, because really, who is going to pay over $100 to see this bunch?!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Top 11: Song Predictions
This week, the Top 11 were supposed to be singing songs from Teen Idols, but that was changed to Billboard #1 Hits. I'm torn between this, for a couple of reasons. Teen Idols week would have been awesome because it would have been sooooo bad. It would have been hilarious. This was also a sure plan by the producers to have Justin Bieber on the show to complete Ryan's fantasy. He has mentioned the kid 3 times already this season. Man crushes are in, Ryan, but boy crushes will always and forever be wrong. One thing that will remain the same from this theme is that Miley Cyrus will be the mentor. Are you kidding me. Two episodes in a row are going to feature the two least talented performers in America, Ke$ha and Miley Cyrus. At this point, I think it is safe to say that Idol is mocking the contestants. Maybe this will boost their confidence. "Hey, I'm better than Miley, maybe I'm really good!" We can only hope...
I do think the switch will allow the contestants to pick from (mostly) quality songs. I'm interested to see if anyone thinks they are good enough to go for a Mariah/Whitney type song. Maybe if they completely rearrange it, but probably not. Considering that there have only been 4 #1 singles this year so far, including the fodder-icious "Tik Tok" by Ke$ha, "Imma Be" by Black Eyed Peas, "Break Your Heart" by Taio Cruz, and the overly explicit "Rude Boy" by Rihanna, don't expect any recent hits to be sung.
This will be a hard week to pick songs. I'm not sure if the contestants are only limited to the Billboard Hot 100 Chart, or if they are allowed to take #1 hits from individual genre charts. I am limiting myself to the Hot 100, since I don't have the time, nor energy, to go searching through countless genre lists. I looked through about 50 years of #1 hits, so we'll see if I can get anywhere remotely close! I think we will be seeing a lot of hits from the mid 80's to late 90's. The #1 hits from the 2000's have been packed with rap and overly produced, unsingable pop. If the contestants are smart, they will pick this range of songs for two reasons. There are still singable melodies to choose from and the majority of the voting demographic will remember songs during this time, depending on how popular the hit was.
On to the picks!
Aaron Kelly
Lonestar "Amazed" or Savage Garden "Truly, Madly, Deeply"
Aaron Kelly is getting phantom votes right now. Either that or grandmas all over the nation really, REALLY like him. Aaron has already sang "I'm Already There" by Lonestar a few weeks ago. This style of music is the best fit for his voice. It has the right amount of twang and an easy enough melody so that he can try and throw a slew of forced riffs in there. If he thinks that it would be a bad idea to do two songs by the same artist (which it probably is), he could probably do a serviceable version of "Truly, Madly, Deeply." I don't see him moving from the mid-tempo/ballady songs anytime soon. That's all he's done so far. If he came out with "Love in This Club," I might become a fan, but since that will never happen, my loathing will commence.
Andrew Garcia
Santana "Maria, Maria" or Blackstreet "No Diggity"
I think that either of these two songs can serve Andrew well. "Maria, Maria" is a nice up-beat R&B jam that has some acoustic undertones and a distinct Latino vibe. If he could get his vocals around the runs and trills, it would sound pretty good, I think. But if he went and did an acoustic cover of "No Diggity," it would kill! It has that laid back groove that he loves and has room to be converted to fit his style. Everyone knows and loves that song and I think that it would sound awesome with his voice on it. I can see it in my mind, so let's hope that he can see the same thing. What is crazy is that I heard the aforementioned Taio Cruz song the other day and thought it sounded like Andrew. It's not wise to do a song so popular right now because you draw an obvious comparison, but it could be an option. Another option would be to just do "Straight Up" again, since the judges can't seem to get over it!
Casey James
Santana ft. Rob Thomas "Smooth"
#2 on the All-Time Hot 100 list, as stated by Billboard itself. One of the best guitarists of all-time. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to see that this has all the workings of a song that Casey could kill. It's got energy, passion, and shows off his skill as a guitarist. The vocals won't suffer either. Rob Thomas is not the greatest singer in the world, but he uses what he has best in this song, and I think that Casey would do the same. I think that if Casey picked this song, he could have a "moment." It would be a fun change of pace for him and allow him to "just be a star" like Simon told him last week. I guess Simon thinks that that is an easy achievement!
Crystal Bowersox
Toni Braxton "Unbreak My Heart"
I'll be honest, I don't know what Crystal is going to do. None of the artists in her usual bag of tricks are available this week, so I had to get creative and think about what I'd like her to do. I would like to see her step away from her guitar this week and belt out a powerful ballad. I think that she'd be able to do a good job with this pick. It'd be different enough for her that she would be breaking the mold that she's made for herself and probably pick up a few new fans. She'd show versatility and vulnerability at the same time. Again, she will probably not pick this, but it'd be nice if she did.
Didi Benami
U2 "With or Without You"
Didi, I can tell, is going to be the hardest to pick every week. Since she really only sounds great in her niche, she will have to find ways to work other songs into that style. She did well this past week, even though she slipped up a few times. She showed a little versatility and the combo of dark music and her sweet voice was nice. This week, I think she should go back to the acoustic with a toned down version of this U2 smash. Everyone on the planet knows this song, and if it's done right, she can do it in an endearing and memorable way. Give her the pimp lighting and a string quartet and she'll be good to go.
Katie Stevens
Christina Aguilera "Come on Over" or Phil Collins "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)"
I mentioned that Katie should sing a Christina song a few weeks ago, so I'm going to hold to that. Do I think that she is vocally as good as Christina, heck no. This song is relatively easy from Christina's discography and is up-beat and fun, something that she has yet to find. I need to see a spark from her sometime soon if she's going to prove to me that she deserves to be there. Vocally, I think she's one of the best girls, but when it comes to song choice and delivery, she is sinking fast. Last week she got back on the horse (hehe) and hopefully she can ride that to more confident performances. If she chooses to stay with the melodramatic songs, she could do "Against All Odds," opting to pull from Mariah Carey's version. I think that would be well sung, but easily forgettable. But with her track record for songs, she would probably pick a song that fits that description to a T.
Lee Dewyze
Nickelback "How You Remind Me" or Vertical Horizon "Everything You Want"
Lee does not have many options this week. I bet he's wishing that he had saved his version of "Fireflies" for this week. Regardless, I think that he could do a very good version of Vertical Horizon's "Everything You Want." It's in a good range for him, has a raspy tone to it, but not overly rock, and is overall likable. The same can not be said for Nickelback, who I can not tolerate, but is popular with the general public. Chad Kroeger is the new "standard" for what rock guys should sound like, sadly, and he could try and add his gruff to this overly played song. It will be pitchy, but fit the part of the song nicely. I think he should go the Vertical Horizon route. He can show that he can really sing on this one more than the Nickelback one and it might up the number of votes he gets from the ladies!
Michael Lynche
Marvin Gaye "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" or Seal "Kiss From A Rose"
Ok, so I really, really wanted to put Justin Timberlake's "Sexy Back" as an option, but the song doesn't have enough actual singing. If he picks it though, I still get credit! I think that no matter what Mike does this week, he will do it well. He can go more modern with an Usher song, but I think he will keep it older with one of these two. He could do a great version of "Grapevine." That'd be the action packed performance of the night, without a doubt. Pulling Marvin Gaye off is always a struggle, but he'd be ok with it. Seal would be if he chooses to go the tender route. He can still ride his Maxwell ballad out for a little longer if he wants, but "Kiss From a Rose" is a very recognizable song that would serve him well. I think it would be a bit safe for him, but it wouldn't matter.
Paige Miles
Roberta Flack "Killing Me Softly" or Lipps Inc "Funkytown"
If Paige did "Killing Me Softly," but in the style of the Fugee's, she could potentially turn her fortunes around. Last week she was in the bottom 2, and I don't see that changing unless she picks a song that absolutely everyone knows and loves, and kills it. Surprisingly, I could see her doing well with Lauryn Hill. The song has a lot of runs, but she might be able to do them. I still don't know the full extent of her voice. She has had a tendency to opt toward older songs, however, so "Funkytown" could be another option. I think after her scare with "Smile," she will try to keep it relatively up-beat for a bit. Hey, "You Are Not Alone" was also another #1 hit. MJ is calling, again, Paige!
Siobhan Magnus
Eurythmics "Sweet Dreams" or Simon and Garfunkel "Sound of Silence"
I won't even try to defend these picks. There is no way to predict what Siobhan could pull from her hat this week. She's gone from Chris Isaak to Aretha Franklin, so anything is possible. I think she needs to pick a song that she can change up a bit and completely remake to fit her own, unique style. Either of these songs are possibilities, but so are a great many others. I'll go ahead and take a loss on this one. But if she did sing "Sound of Silence," could they just play the scene in Old School where Will Ferrell gets shot with the dart gun and is sinking in the pool? That'd be amazing.
Tim Urban
The Eagles "Hotel California" or James Blunt "You're Beautiful"
Tim was part of the bottom 3 last week and finds himself in an interesting spot. The #1 charts don't really favor to his skill set, but there are a few songs that he could pull out. "Hotel California" is a classic song that every one knows and it has tons of harmonies. This would help him, in allowing the background singers to mask some of his mediocrity. If he did "You're Beautiful," it would be ok, but boring. Tim has stood center stage every single performance this season. He needs to drop the guitar and PERFORM a song. This is definitely NOT his strength, but he needs to try something to make people vote for more than his looks. He is VFTWs current pick, and they will be trying their hardest to get him on the tour (top 10). If he wants to go and pick something completely obvious, there is always "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's.
Those are my picks, folks. With a theme as broad as this one, I don't expect to get many picks correct, but if the judges mention a song that I suggested, that counts as a correct pick! Enjoy the show tonight, guys, and I will be back tomorrow for the performance reviews!
Your American Idol Junkie,
A Wrap Up
- It was Rolling Stones Week.
- Siobhan was really good.
- Lacey was really bad.
- Michael continued showing off his swagger.
- Aaron tried a new makeover, further trying to become Archuleta Light.
- Paige sang through Laryngitis and sounded the same as every other week. This was her ploy to get sympathy votes. If you can sing like she did, you can speak just fine. Stop playing games, Paige. Not working on me.
- The Ford commercial wasn't all that bad, shockingly!
- No group performance, but we did get to see the ever balding (and trying to hide it) David Cook and Ke$ha, who shows that she is way worse than any of our current contestants. She performed in a Lady Gaga-esque outfit, complete with an Indian Chief head-dress. Can she please become un-famous?!
- Paige, Tim and Lacey were in the bottom 3. Tim was safest of the three and Lacey was the one to leave, as predicted by yours truly. You were sweet Lacey, but not nearly good enough for this show.
- The Judges' Save is back, and they unianimously decide to send Lacey home. Ouch.
Overall, it wasn't a bad Idol week. Siobhan was compared to Adam Lambert, which is clearly going to attract her a load of his fans. That should carry her a long ways. There is talk of her being a threat to Crystal's current lead. But don't sleep on Big Mike or Casey. They are still just as safe as the two leading ladies.
Your American Idol Junkie,
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My Apologies
Friday, March 12, 2010
We have our Top 12: Elimination Results (SPOILER ALERT!)
This results show proved to be a night of upsets! Going into the evening, my picks to go home were Paige, Lacey, Aaron, and Todrick. These all seemed like obvious choices to me, but America disagreed with my assessment, apparently. Let's take a look at how this episode shook down and who will be gracing us with their presence next week.
Idol is wasting no time this week! After a brief intro of the judges, Ryan lets the contestants "perform" their prerecorded version of Michael Buble's "I Just Haven't Met You Yet." This is an odd choice of song for them to be singing. There is a supreme lack of energy (even though it's pre-recorded) and the contestants (again) look incredibly uncomfortable. The tempo is so slow that the choreography feels like they are counting like this: one, pause...., two, pause.... Once again, Idol has let the cheese flow in this group performance. When will they realize that no one particularly cares for these half-hearted, fake performances? I digress. Moving on.
Up first are the girls, who all appear really emotional. The top row consists of Didi Benami, Siobhan Magnus, Katelyn Epperly, and Paige Miles. Didi and Siobhan are quickly given access to their Top 12 stools, which are still just as metallic and uncomfortable looking as ever. "Congrats on making the Top 12 guys! Now suffer in silence for the rest of the show as you endure the pain of cushion-less, metal seats! MWAHAHA!" At least that's what I hear Simon Fuller screaming crazily in my head. It's down to Paige and Katelyn, and just as I was about to check one right pick off the list (Paige), Ryan bursts my bubble and states that Katelyn will be leaving us tonight and Paige is safe. WHAT?! I agree that Katelyn did not live up to last weeks performance, but it was certainly not worse than Paige's last few have been! I guess this goes to show you that if you perform a merely ok, middle of the road version of a song, people will be less likely to pick up the phone and vote for you like they would if you botched it and they wanted to vote for you due to sympathy. I think this is what happened here. America got this one wrong, and America knows it. Sadly, it's too late for our poodle-haired blond. She sings her song again (and again, it's merely ok), then switches from bubbly performance mode to full breakdown in tears mode in Lilly's arms. I'm sad to see her go. I think she could have done well. VFTW is applauding their victory in Paige.
Next, Ryan switches to the guys and has the top row join him center stage. This row consists of Tim Urban, Todrick Hall, Lee Dewyze, and Casey James. He started with Tim, but told him to "hang tight." Doesn't he know that this kid is almost on the verge of tears every episode. That's mean to keep him in suspense. He then give a little background for each of the contestants, and informs Casey that he is safe. He starts doing the slow clap that he did in Hollywood and you can tell that he wants to do his rooster crow, excited yell again, but he manages to refrain. Ryan quickly tells Tim that he is safe, and he appears shocked, relieved, and overwhelmed all at the same time. Thank you for being merciful, Ryan. Now, it's down to Todrick and Lee, and this was no shock to me. Lee clearly has been hyped more than Todrick and has the rocker fans on his side. My prediction that Michael Lynche stole Todrick's thunder last night and cost him some votes turns out correct. Ryan tells Todrick that he will be heading home, and he performs "Somebody to Love" one more time, and very well I might add. He still deserved to go home, though.
The guest performers tonight are Matt Giraud and Scott MacIntyre, continuing with the theme of last seasons contestants returning, who do a little dueling piano action to Billy Joel's "Tell Her About It." Matt, who is sans mini-Matt (the huge mole that was on his forehead) showed that he'd be a contender this season, while Scott showed that he'd be among some of the fodder that is currently in the competition. It was fun though and they killed the pianos. When Ryan said "Nice to see you, Scott." he replied, "Nice to see you too, Ryan." Um, way to poke fun at the blind guy Ryan...
The remaining 8 contestants are brought back out to the couches, with the girls on the top row and the guys on the bottom. The guys are up first. Ryan asks Michael Lynche to stand, which he does, but also proceeds to walk center stage. A shocked Ryan looks hilarious and Michael claims that is what Debbie (the stage manager) told him to do. He is obviously safe. Aaron Kelly is next and he starts off facing the completely wrong way! What in the world, kid? It should be self explanatory, just face the cameras! He was my other pick to go home after several bad performances, but America is once again wrong and keeps him around. He is becoming my least favorite contestant ever I think. Even more than Gokey was last year. Now it's down to Alex Lambert and Andrew Garcia. Preparing myself for the shock of Andrew going home, Ryan quickly shows that he is safe and Alex will be leaving us. This was probably one of the saddest eliminations I've ever seen on the show. Here was a guy with a good, distinctive voice, who was settling down and getting into stride, but it all proved to be a little too late. After a shaken encore performance of "Trouble," Alex breaks down into a puddle of tears on national television. When we come back from the break, the contestants are still around him and he is bawling, as is a visibly shaken Siobhan. Ryan says that you could hear a pin drop in the auditorium during the break and I'd believe it. Ryan then helps Alex off the stage in an awkward moment so that he could continue the show.
Last up are the 4 remaining ladies, Crystal Bowersox, Lacey Brown, Lilly Scott, and Katie Stevens, who has rivaled Alex as the biggest puddle of the evening. Crystal is undoubtedly safe, but looks like someone has kicked her puppy really, really hard. The culmination of tonight's results are obviously hitting her hard and she seems more sad about her friends leaving than her progressing. Lacey Brown, my final pick, is deemed safe and I'm unsure why. Whatever, you have no shot to win, so what's the point in staying on a few more weeks? The final decision is between Lilly and Katie. I was thinking that Katie was going to be cut after struggling to find herself in the live performances, but something told me that Lilly was going to be the upset toss. Turns out, Lilly was the one who was heading home. You could tell that she was surprised, shocked, flabbergasted, and any other synonym at the result. She got a little sassy before her swan song and was visibly angry. Her performance of "I Fall To Pieces" was again only ok. I think that her doing the same thing weekly ended up hurting you. She was also probably too quirky for a show who's main demographic is high school girls. Given Lilly and Katie, they will vote in one of their own every time.
After the most crying I've seen on the show in a long time, we finally have our Top 12. They are:
Aaron Kelly
Andrew Garcia
Casey James
Crystal Bowersox
Didi Benami
Lacey Brown
Lee Dewyze
Katie Stevens
Michael Lynche
Paige Miles
Siobhan Magnus
Tim Urban
Tonight had 3 people leave, in Katelyn, Lilly and Alex, who were probably sent home way to early, while less talented people, such as Lacey, Paige, and Aaron were allowed to move on undeservedly. This is the strangest Top 12 that I've seen in a while, and barring some out of nowhere awesome performances from several of the contestants, the Top 4 seems a pretty easy pick right now with Michael, Crystal, Casey, and Siobhan distancing themselves from the pack.
What do you guys think? Did America make a mistake/several mistakes in who was sent home?
Until next time...
Your American Idol Junkie,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Top 8 Guys: Guitar Heroes
Lee Dewyze- "Fireflies" by Owl City
This is an interesting song choice for Lee. Interesting in a kind of good way. I was expecting him to come out with another 2nd rate version of a modern rock band hit, but I was pleasantly surprised when he went for the peppy "Fireflies." He switched it up a bit by adding the acoustic guitar, and it fit very nicely. His gravely tone gave the song a different feel, and while it was pitchy for most of the song (as are most of his performances), this was by far his most tolerable, in my opinion. I'm not sure I see the confidence increase that the judges are noticing in him, but he was a little more comfortable than last week. It wasn't a mind blowing performance by any means. It was merely ok, but I think that he did enough with it to keep him around. If he wants a shot of being a true contender, not just one that the judges shower with praises for no reason, he has to let go of the nerves and focus on what he's singing so that he doesn't loose his notes halfway through each phrase.
Alex Lambert- "Trouble" by Ray LaMontagne
The judges keep talking about it, but Alex really does have a cool tone to his voice. This was a good pick for him because it fit that raspy, muffled style well. He sang it well and seemed like he is settling into who he is as an artist. I think that the judges are giving him the best criticisms week in and week out, because he can actually take what they say and apply it to his performances. Randy says it was a tad too fast and Kara says that she wished that it would have just been him and a guitar. Combine those two and I think he could have had a moment on the stage. What I take away from this performance is that he still does have a ways to go in terms of loosening up, as Simon said, but his innocence and vulnerability keeps him relatable. I don't think we have to worry about him becoming a "cocky banana" as Ellen put it. :-/. And I really hope that Simon doesn't work it out so that Randy is in a bikini next week, should Alex return. That would haunt my dreams for forever.
Tim Urban- "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen/Jeff Buckley
When Ryan announced that Tim would be singing this song, I immediately got worried. It's a great song, but it's so overdone on Idol that people are not only comparing you to the original artist(s), but also to others who have graced the same stage with that tune and killed it. Jason Castro didn't have the best voice on season 7, but he slayed this song. Once Tim started singing it, I relaxed a bit. If it were any other contestant, it might have been less good than it seemed, but with the struggles that Tim has been having this season, this was a breath of fresh air for him. His voice was pleasing and suited the song well. His guitar playing wasn't shabby and he seemed comfortable singing it. This was the best performance from him by far. He stayed in his tessitura and didn't try to oversing it (I'm not sure if he has the skills needed to oversing any song). After Ellen ran to the stage to hug him, you could tell that he felt like he finally deserved to be on that stage. I'm liking Ellen more and more every week. Now that he has two serviceable performances under his belt, he needs to relax and find a way to change people's opinions of him as just the ok guy that is skating by based on looks alone.
Andrew Garcia- "Genie In a Bottle" by Christina Aguilera
Andrew Garcia. Song choice- you're doing it wrong. He is so far into his own head right now that I don't think he knows who he is as an artist anymore. Trying to replicate the magic that you experienced once by using the same formula on a different song rarely works. When I heard he was singing a Christina Aguilera song, I joked that it'd be hilarious if he did "Genie in a Bottle." And he did not disappoint. 1) The lyrics do not fit him in the slightest. A guy should not be singing those words. 2) This might have been the sloppiest vocal I've heard from him yet. Yes, he can still sing, but this was sub par for him. 3) He claims that he didn't want to force anything or overthink it, but I don't think he thought about it enough. Reverting back to the "Straight Up" formula came off as sheer desperation- an attempt to regain some of his fans that have jumped ship. Andrew has hit a wall and he could be in trouble this week. Does he have enough fans to carry him through 3 weeks of disappointing showings?
Casey James- "You'll Think of Me" by Keith Urban
Casey was a bit gimmicky last week with his shredding of the electric guitar and attempt at performing a pop song. It was good, but forced. This week, he takes it down a notch and plays with just an acoustic while sitting on a stool. Singing a country song, Casey sounded great. There were no truly amazing parts of the song, per se, but it was a very good rendition of a great song. He could really make it big as a country artist. He has the look, the voice, and instrumental skill to be a Brad Paisley type of singer. This was a smart pick because he is showing a more vulnerable side by doing a ballad and he is only increasing his reachable voting demographic. I think that many-a-country fan will be voting for Casey this week. He is a lock for the top 10, so there is nothing more to really say.
Aaron Kelly- "I'm Already There" by Lonestar
Speaking of country, Aaron Kelly is going back to his best genre after a so-so performance of "My Girl" last week. Sadly, his best genre is still not that great. This song is a smart pick for him, seeing as it fits his range and his voice should sound good on it. Key word: should. But it doesn't. He is extremely pitchy in his lower registry, he sounds like he is straining on some of the higher (not really that high) notes, and he sounds nasal most of the time. Throw in a couple of ill-advised, poorly sung runs and you get what he delivered on that stage. It is well known that I'm not a fan of his, but unlike Lee Dewyze, who at least tried to entertain me, Aaron remains at the bottom of my rankings. He is not a strong performer. Watching his movements and stage presence is like watching a really bad actor who thinks he's awesome. He even does his best impersonation of Billy Mack from Love actually when he sings (like he's sitting on an imaginary chair). I hope that America is tired of his incessant mediocrity and sends him home.
Todrick Hall- "Somebody to Love" by Queen
I'm indifferent about Todrick right now. He sings well enough and is entertaining, but there is something about him that I just can't grasp. He performs a Queen song and makes it somewhat gospel. It's decent, I suppose, but after watching it again, it was not quite as good as the judges made it out to be. There was a lack of energy to the song and it seemed like he only sang 3 notes the whole time. He also likes to oversing every phrase in every song, and that's something that gets old REALLY quick. This was a bit of a welcomed change from all of the slow, acoustic songs that we've had up to this point, but it just didn't do too much for me.
Michael Lynche- "This Woman's Work" by Maxwell
Michael Lynche has the pimp spot this week, which pretty much guarantees that he will be in the top 12. For safe measure though, he blows the doors off of this performance. Maxwell is no easy artist to sing, but Big Mike does it with relative ease. You can tell that this song is relevant to him, as he sings about his wife and family. The confidence that he portrays up there is unparalleled by any of the other contestants, male or female. The fact that he made Kara cry is also impressive. We used to joke on Paula for getting weepy at a lot of songs, but Kara usually is more reserved than that usually, and it seems like it would take something exceptionally moving to invoke that type of response. Simon hit the nail on the head. It's not only the best performance of the night, it's the best of the season. Mike is now the front runner after that performance.
Well, there you have it guys. I was very impressed with the guys tonight. With the first 5 singers choosing to accompany themselves on guitar, Ellen should have no problem differentiating that from a piano next time. There were only 2 performances that I didn't like on some level, though my critiques might suggest more. If it were up to me, I would send Aaron Kelly home without a second thought. The second spot is up for grabs right now. Todrick kind of got showed up by Big Mike at the end and I think that might hurt his votes. Andrew Garcia would be a shock to some if he went home, but not to me. As a friend of mine said, he is the new Lil' Rounds. He blew you away initially, but then became boring after doing the same thing time and time again. I think his fans will still pull him through this week, and Todrick will be on the outside looking in. Aaron and Todrick are my final predictions.
What do you guys think? Are the guys improving and showing that they can win over the girls this season?
Until next time...
Your American Idol Junkie,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Top 8 Girls: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Katie Stevens- "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson
This is beginning to get frustrating. Katie is definitely one of the best natural singers on the competition, but she has no idea what she is doing when it comes to song choice. I understand her trying to take the judges criticisms and apply them week in and week out, but she should only do that up to a certain point. They don't know what kind of artist she is, so they are suggesting young, peppy songs, when she is not that kind of singer at all. Her voice is much more mature than her age would suggest. This performance was sloppy from beginning to finish. She was off beat for much of the song, her usually good pitch was subject to nerves, the chorus was too big for her, and she completely sucked the energy out of the song. Simon tells her, "you sucked...the energy out of the room." Nice pause. This was the worst that I've seen her perform all season. After the judges said that it didn't seem like she connected with the song, she said, "I DID connect with the song, because I grew up in a small town." Yes, and I'm sure that when the rain would fall down, you'd just stare out your window. Not exactly the kind of material to grasp for in a song if you want to connect to it. I think Katie has fans, but it's a tough call after this weeks performance. She had better pray that other contestants stumble as well.
Siobhan Magnus- "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals
After an energetic, upbeat powerhouse last week with Aretha, complete with crazy high notes, Siobhan decides to take it down a notch this week with "House of the Rising Sun," and does a good job with it. She starts it out completely a cappella, giving it a haunting, ethereal feel. That is taking a risk, because singing a cappella in this tight of a competition is no easy feat. I think it's brilliant, and she sings the rest of the song equally as well. You can tell that she has the most dynamic voice of the bunch, but she doesn't have to give us everything she has in order to sound great. After the music kicked in, the song stayed relatively the same and didn't go anywhere, but I think she did enough with the beginning to let her off the hook. The judges liked it for the most part, but Simon was a little skeptical about who she is as an artist. That is fair (even though half of the girls don't know who they are as an artist) because I can't think of what type of music she'd fit into either. She will be around for the top 12, easily.
Lacey Brown- "The Story" by Brandi CarlileLacey shows week in and week out that her voice is not up to par with the rest of the girls. And seeing that I personally know 8 girls who can sing better than these 8, that means she's not up to par with the general singing public. This show is supposed to be about finding the best singers in America, not letting mediocre (at best) talent through just because they were a little better than they were last year. I don't know how/why she is still here, but someone out there likes her. She takes the same approach as she did the first week by sitting down and singing a ballad. She sings it well enough, I guess, but there is nothing there for me. She does nothing interesting with the song, with her voice, or with her performance. I'm bored less than 30 seconds in, as is Randy, but he still says that it was her best performance so far. That is not saying much. I like her look, but she just does not have the vocal chops to compete at this level. I will keep predicting her departure until America gets it right and sends her on her way. Nothing but love, Lacey.
Katelyn Epperly- "I Feel the Earth Move" by Carole King
After back to back weeks of exceeding the expectations I had of her, Katelyn comes back down a peg this week with a lackluster performance that is devoid of any energy, even though it's up tempo. She plunks around on a keyboard while standing, which is slightly awkward for her, but you can barely hear the instrument as the rest of the band swallows her. She sings the song well, stays on pitch, and has that nice rasp to her voice, but you can tell that the keyboard is throwing her off her game. She tries to energize the song with her playing, rather than her singing, and it makes for an easily forgettable performance. Simon said that it sounded like she was taking requests on a Friday night in a restaurant, and it's true. I did think it was funny that they said "I like how you are rocking the Carol King hair (aka nappy head)" and she gave a look that was like, "this is how my hair always looks." :( They like your crazy mane, Katelyn, even if they basically called it nappy.
Didi Benami- "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood MacChanneling the same vibe that she gave us when we started liking her in Hollywood Week, Didi came out and gave an acoustic version of this song and showed us again who she is as an artist. She isn't a pop artist that does a lot of runs and belts out notes like she tried to do last week. She is an Ingred Michaelson/Regina Spektor type of artist who is known more for their distinct voice and lyrics rather than technical ability (not to belittle their technical ability, because they are great). She connected with the song and made it fit her style. I enjoyed this performance a lot, but the problem that I see with her is that this is her only truly great zone. This is the place that she'd be as an artist, but she can't win the show doing only performances like this. It's fine once in a while, but in order to have a legit shot at winning, she needs to figure out a way to take the emotion and comfort that she uses in songs like this and put them into something new and more appealing to a larger demographic of voters.
Paige Miles- "Smile" by Charlie Chaplin
So what's funny about this song is that when Paige was performing it, I said some lame joke about how Charlie Chaplin could sing this song better, meaning that he wouldn't sing it at all since he did silent films and still sound better. But he DID write this song and I had completely forgot about that at the time. The subconscious is crazy! Anyway, Paige sounded awful on this song. It was bad. Really bad. There was no power in her voice whatsoever. She was timid in her delivery and it felt forced. She said she picked it because she liked it and because Michael Jackson sang it (her BFF), but she did nothing with it. She shouldn't pick a song that she likes over a song that will get her votes, unless she's trying to go home. There is a happy medium there that contestants have to find: a song that you like enough to connect to, but one that people voting for you will also dig. This song was entirely forgettable, sung poorly, and she didn't even smile, so I am thinking that she will join Lacey on the outs this week.
Crystal Bowersox- "Give Me One Reason" by Tracy Chapman
This was probably the best performance of the night. Crystal came out there, did her thing, had fun, sang well, played well, and still managed to keep charming America with her honesty to herself. She is staying in her niche right now because she knows that's what the fans are voting for. These early rounds are where you can pick whatever song/genre you want to establish a fan base. So far she has played these rounds incredibly smart by either picking extremely popular 90's songs or revamping a song soulfully. She is a shoe-in for the top 12, but I do wonder what she will bring to the table once they start having to adhere to theme nights. I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it. VFTW did make a funny statement about her being on the chaw again because her teeth are getting brown again. It's so wrong, but I laughed really hard when I read it.
Lilly Scott- "I Fall to Pieces" by Patsy Cline
Where I was once a big Lilly fan, my allegiance is fading. The judges are constantly telling her how amazing she is, though she does the same thing each week. Crystal stays to the same niche, but still switches it up a bit. I feel like Lilly is singing the same song every week. This was a smart song choice, because she is trying to gain some of the country voters since there is no clear cut country singer on the show. Good luck prying those away from Aaron Kelly, who is the closest thing to that genre on the show. I think I liked her at first because she was unique, but now that she is no longer novel, she doesn't seem quite as good. I want to see her on a stool, singing a ballad with a piano accompaniment, and kill it. She has talent, I'm not doubting that, but up to date, we've only seen one portion of that talent and it's getting worn out. She was in the pimp spot, which guarantees that she is safe, but she needs to shake things up a bit.
All in all, the performances were ok. Last week was two steps forward from week 1. This week was one step back, in my opinion. The girls, for the most part, sang their songs well, but lacked the same "fire" in their eyes that they had last week. Either they are getting complacent or they are letting the pressure get to them. Either way, they need to start making strides to right whatever wrongs are going on right now, because the girls that are lucky enough to survive this week get to compete against the guys next week. It's always harder once the Co-Ed portion of the show starts because the competition is so different and the voters tend to find their favorites and stick with them.
From the girls, I think that we will be saying goodbye to Lacey and Paige. Lacey is just average and Paige performed well below the standards that were set for her by the judges. Would anyone really be sad to see them go? Didn't think so.
Who do you think the front runner is right now? The judges have labeled this a "girls year" to win it all. After last night, do you think they are right?
Until next time...
Your American Idol Junkie,
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Top 20: Elimination Results (SPOILER ALERT!)
The group gets us started off with a very lax performance of "I Got A Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. First things first, this song needs to be retired ASAP. It's reaching Creed levels of annoyance. It has been on the charts for 38 weeks and JUST fell out of the top 20 (to 21...). Second, the lyrics are definitely misleading for 1/5th of the contestants. Tonight is NOT going to be a good night for four of them. Tonight will be the night that they struggle to repeat a bad song choice that resulted in them getting eliminated. Third, I didn't catch it last week, but this week the contestants are definitely lip syncing. You can tell because everyone is so on pitch and blends far too well. Also, because they auto-tuned the crap out of it. The choreography (if you can call it that) was horrible. Tim Urban and Casey James can not pull of thug. Neither can Lilly Scott or Crystal Bowersox. Everyone looked horribly uncomfortable up there and it definitely showed in there deer in the headlights expressions.
Ryan wastes no time after the first commercial break. The guys are first on the chopping block. The top row consists of Michael Lynche, Casey James, Todrick Hall, John Park, and Tim Urban. Tim Urban is called up first and he is declared safe. This was not shocking. VFTW (this is how I will refer to votefortheworst) recently found pictures of a shirtless Tim at some sort of event where he was in a bathing suit with a contestant number. I'm not sure if he was modeling the swimsuit or participating in some kind of pageant (I don't know what you call a pageant for guys). Either way, VFTW is just piling on the tween votes because of it. Todrick is up next, but Ryan throws him a curve ball and tells him that he needs to remain standing. He then moves on to Michael Lynche, who is obviously safe after his soulful rendition of James Brown. Casey James also has nothing to worry about, except the hair/makeup people on Idol making him look more and more womanish. He looked like he was one dress shy of being in full drag on Tuesday. They put a little too much makeup on him, especially lipstick. So now it's down to Todrick and John Park. Drats! Those are both the guys that I predicted to be leaving. At least I'll definitely get one right. After Ryan talks to them for a bit, he reveals that John Park will be going home. This gives me a good idea of who will be joining John. He performs a decent version of "Gravity" again and is sent to the audience. John was a good, good singer, he just failed to deliver the goods in terms of his performances. If he had a little more spark and charisma, I think he would still be around. Lesson learned, but a tad too late.
Next up is the bottom row, which consists of Jermaine Sellers, Andrew Garcia, Alex Lambert, Aaron Kelly, and Lee Dewyze. Lee goes first and is quickly told that he is safe. I still don't get the judges fascination with him, but let's move on. Aaron is also deemed safe, and I still don't get the judges fascination with him either. Either way, he was undoubtedly safe as well. Alex Lambert was the most improved this week by far, and he is rewarded with a trip back to the top 16 next week. This made me happy. Good things do happen! Ryan then brings Jermaine and Andrew center stage to try and over-dramaticize the moment- which is not dramatic at all. Everyone knows that Andrew is safe and Jermaine is heading home. He gives his props to Jesus again and makes another plug for the onesie. He definitely will be getting a call from a company that makes onesies (I wouldn't begin to know who still makes those) and he will be their posterchild. The fact that Andrew was in this position should have him a little worried. I think you could tell in his face that he knows he has to step up his game drastically. Jermaine's farewell song is sung well, probably better than we've heard him all season. The high notes seemed to be there and his runs were smooth. If he could have only brought that when it counted...
In keeping with the trend of having last years contestants perform and show how much better they are than everyone on this season, Danny Gokey returns to Idol's stage to perform his new single "My Best Days." After having a little trouble getting a label after the show last season, Danny decided to make the switch from soul to country. I'm not sure if I agree with that move, seeing as he does not look/sing like a country artist to me, but hey, he's got to do what he's got to do. He performs well and, like Allison and Kris, wipes the floor with this years bunch. In the post-performance interview, he starts spazzing out! I've never seen Danny Gokey this hyper! You can tell he is ubber excited about his budding career (as short lived as it will no doubt be). He comes off as less of a tool when he's not worrying about votes and such. He even gives Ryan the awkward touch before Ryan has a chance to do it to him. How does it feel, Ryan?!
The girls are next. The top row goes first, and consists of Didi Benami, Michelle Delamor, Katie Stevens, Paige Miles, and Lilly Scott. Ryan flies through Lilly, Paige, and Katie, revealing that they are all safe. So, it's down to Didi and Michelle. This is interesting that two really hyped people (the other being Andrew) are in this position. The results are the same as they were with they guys- the one with they hype survives. Michelle is sent home and you can tell that she is visibly shaken by it, but she puts on her best poker face. We have to sit through this song again and I'm dying. I can't explain how much I never want to hear this song again. I was the only person from all the blogs and websites that I follow to get this one right. I wish I could count it as 2, but alas, I can not.
The bottom row is up and consists of Katelyn Epperly, Crystal Bowersox, Haeley Vaughn, Lacey Brown, and Siobhan Magnus. After a heart-wrenching performance on Wednesday, I think that Katelyn is starting to gain some momentum. She is safe. Crystal Bowersox has nothing to worry about after getting rave reviews from the judges, so she's obviously safe. I will mention (and I forgot to include this on yesterday's post) how impressed I was that she didn't milk the pity card. She could have easily done that to win more votes, but rather, she came out and delivered the goods sans the pity party and still did amazing. Ryan skips down to Siobhan and declares her safe. When someone hits a note that ridiculous, they aren't going anywhere. That's what these contestants need to realize. One great song or note can carry you a long way on this show. It's down to Haeley and Lacey, and they are both wearing a headband with some accessory dangling off of it, Lacey a peacock feather, and Haeley, another huge flower that is as big as her head. Simon says that this one is easy, but it got me! I thought for sure that Haeley had a bigger fan base than Lacey, but Haeley is the one sent packing. It's sad when she sings her song, because it sounds horrible. Her emotions get the better of her so much that she can't hit a single note right. This makes it painful to watch, but also somewhat endearing at the same time. She is a likable girl, but she just wasn't ready for this level of competition. I'm glad I didn't take the slap bet on Lacey, or else I would have been screwed, but I do think she has stayed on far too long, given her talent level. She can't possibly last another week, can she? She will definitely be VFTWs new female face.
Well, there y0u have it, guys. John, Jermaine, Michelle, and Haeley are no longer with us (on the show). Do you think this was the right call? Should Lacey have gone before Haeley, or would it really have mattered? Let me know what you think. Also, who are you pulling for? Who is standing out from the pack in your eyes?!
Until next time...
Your American Idol Junkie,
Top 10 Girls: Lady Marmalade
So, how did the ladies fair? They had an extra day of rehearsal and fine-tuning, so I was expecting a marked improvement here as well. I wasn't disappointed. Many of the gals showed us that they deserved to be where they are. Does this mean that they have won me over for this season? No. They still have a lot of work to do to top any of the past 3 seasons. I'm not sure if that's a reasonable expectation (probably not), but at least the contestants are developing. Like I said earlier, a step in the right direction. Baby steps.
Ok, on to the reviews!
Crystal Bowersox- "Long As I Can See the Light" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Crystal is up first. This girl is a trooper! Not only did she have the fight in her to perform after being hospitalized, but she came on that stage and killed it! This is a girl who is serious about making a name for herself in this competition. Switching up the arrangement a little, she brought a gospel vibe to a '70s folk song and it fit perfectly. When she mixes her acoustic with some soul, she is amazing. I think this was her best performance by far, and that is coming from a guy who loved her version of "Natural Woman." She knows who she is as an artist and is unwilling to compromise that. I can easily see her being the next Melissa Etheridge/Bonnie Raitt. Her confidence is unwavering and she is incredibly likable. She just put her name back on the ballot for front-runner.
Haeley Vaughn- "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus
Haeley hit the trifecta this week for me, but in a bad way. 1) She sang Miley Cyrus, who might be the least talented superstar in the history of show business. If Miley can sell million of records, I don't see why any one of us can't as well. 2) She sang the song worse than Miley Cyrus. I wasn't sure that was possible. I guess Haeley can defend herself by saying that she doesn't have all the auto tune that Miley does, but still. 3) I just don't get anything about her. Her song choices are terrible for her voice, which is interesting in it's own right. She has a pretty large range, as I've stated before, and can hit some notes with a power that many of the other girls don't possess. She just doesn't know how to control it or harness it for her own benefit. She was pitchy for most of the song, struggling mightily on the bottom end. I also agree with Simon that she is too "smiley." Yes, it's ok to have a bubbly personality and to always be happy, but when you are singing a song that has a serious message to it, like overcoming adversity, you don't want to be grinning like an idiot. Not just for the aesthetic value either. Smiling brightens up the sound of your voice and can cause it to sound overly harsh. Some songs just don't call for a "bright" vocal. Some are meant to be darker and more somber. She still has a lot to learn, but I'm not sure she will be able to learn that on Idol's stage. I think she might be in trouble this week.
Lacey Brown- "Kiss Me" by Sixpence None the Richer
Will we ever really know if Lacey was planning to sing this song this week, or was she just brown-nosing to Kara? I doubt we will ever find the truth, but that shouldn't matter, seeing as Lacey should be packing her bags and heading home after tonight's elimination results. She performed the song well enough, I suppose. It was peppy and "cute," but those kinds of performances are easily forgettable and don't give anyone at home a reason to vote for you. She brought no originality or style to an already plain song. In a competition like this, you at least have to throw in a decent trill or an extended note for the audience to latch on to. That's what they want to see. They don't want to see mediocre vocals that show that you might not deserve to be there. She has done this two weeks in a row now, and I think she will pay for it this week. Of course, I said that last week, and she was safe, but she definitely showed that she is the weakest link on the girls side. Bye Bye, Lacey.
Katie Stevens- "Put Your Records On" by Corinne Bailey Rae
Katie Stevens might have my favorite overall voice in the competition. Her tone is so warm and smooth, and let's face it, it's all about the tone this year. So far we've heard a lot of her voice in that lower, alto register, but in this song, she gave us a little bit of her upper register as well. I enjoyed it. Her flips to head voice were seamless and easy and still maintained the pleasant tone. I agree with Randy about Katie. She has the voice to slay some harder songs if she really put in the effort. This was another safe choice, but she did a good job of listening to the judges critiques from last week. It's funny that they are trying to push her into this teeny-bopper, pop box and she is resisting as much as she possibly can. Can a 17 year old not like more mature music and be better vocally that most kids her age? I think that she needs to take only so much of their advice. I would suggest staying young, but doing something challenging and fun. Christina Aguilera's "Come On Over" would be a good choice. They have very similar, thick tones and Christina is much more difficult to sing than Corinne Bailey Rae. I think she is safe for a while.
Didi Benami- "Lean on Me" by Bill Withers
So, Didi really is Brooke White 2.0. She looks just like her, cries just like her, has the singer/songwriter vibe just like her, but can sing a little better. In this version of "Lean on Me," Didi was trying to show everyone how she wasn't just a nice voice with no tricks. She laid on a heavy dosing of melisma and even had some dynamic notes thrown in there. I think she sang her notes fine. She hit most runs and sounded good tone-wise. The issue I had here was that it was the whitest version of this song I have ever heard. This tune calls for massive amounts of soul to be channeled by the singer. Otherwise, it becomes cheesy. I fear that's what most people took away from the performance. Technically, it was well sung, but it was the wrong song for her. That is not who she is as a vocalist, even though she can sing all the notes required. Didi is having some issues with song-choice and I think she might be suffering from the side effects of doing such a good song in Hollywood like Andrew Garcia. She needs to find a way to bring both sides of her act together: she needs to pick a song that she can relate to and perform well that is in her genre, but add the little pieces of flair to show that she is not just another Brooke White. Safe this week, but no longer a front-runner.
Michelle Delamor- "With Arms Wide Open" by Creed
What in the world? I understand risks, but when you take risks, you should at least use good songs. This song became old and overplayed a week after it hit the air back in 2000. She tried to infuse some R&B stylings to it, but it came across as forced and clumsy. He runs weren't there this week like they were last week. Her tone wavered a bit throughout the song. Her belted notes seemed small and powerless. She even switched to head voice on many of them rather than staying in chest voice. It surprised me that she would be so bold (aka so wrong) this early in the competition, when all she had to do was gain the R&B vote by singing a different song that was less obvious than Alicia Keys. I think she could be in a little bit of trouble this week. I'm not sure if she has the fan base to carry her through bad performances.
Lilly Scott- "A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke
"Congratulations, you just had your first *moment*." ~Kara. I will disagree with Kara on this point. Sure, Lilly did Lilly and changed the song up to make it more her style, but that doesn't mean it was all THAT great. This is one of the greatest songs of all time, and I was not buying her kool-aid like most of the judges were. She tried to employ too many different vocal styles to it, I thought. One minutes she's light and airy, the next she's trying to belt out high notes, the next she's trying to throw a big run in there, and the next she's trying to change up the phrasing. I'm all for stylizing a song, but that was too much variety. She also didn't have to change the arrangement up that much. Adam Lambert gave last seasons most incredible performance with his own rendition of this song, but he still stayed true to the original melody, paying homage to Sam Cooke's classic. Maybe most other versions of this song are going to pale in comparison to me after last year's, but I just thought that hers was ok. We learned nothing new about Lilly from this performance, or what she is capable of. And that is sad, because I like her, but I think she is capable of more than she's showing us.
Katelyn Epperly- "The Scientist" by Coldplay
This was quite possibly my favorite performance of the night. As most people know, I'm a sucker for piano driven ballads. I don't know why, I just am. Katelyn, behind the keys of an all white piano, performed an emotionally charged version of one of Coldplay's biggest hits. It may have been a tad slow for most people's liking, but I loved it. What it lacked in tempo, it made up for in sheer honesty and superb delivery. This was the first performance that I've seen from an Idol contestant in a long time that felt genuine and sincere. She told a story with her performance and drew you into what she was feeling. Simon called it "corny," but I think her connection with the song was actually inspiring. Aside from one missed run, I did not hear any vocal flaws at all. She has this great, smokey voice that we were never shown in the early rounds. I agree with Kara on this one- I'm kind of loving her right now.
Paige Miles- "Walk Away" by Kelly Clarkson
Paige has been heralded as having the "best voice of all the girls" from Simon. I think this is sort of like him saying that Lee Dewyze has the best voice of all the guys, but no where near the same extent. Paige can sing safe things well. She has a good, middle ground voice that can hit most notes of a typical melody perfectly fine and sound great doing it. My issues with Paige regard anything out of that safe range. She doesn't have that great of a range, she doesn't have as much power as the judges think she does, and she doesn't have the ability to perform runs and riffs as easily as some of the other contestants. She always stays in the same 3 notes it seems and all of her runs sound the exact same. I said this last week- she didn't listen. I'm not sure I would have chosen this song. 1) It's not a hard song to sing at all, except the one note that she decided to flip into head voice and botch. 2) It's far too wordy, as the judges said, and didn't let the viewers hear much actual singing. 3) It's always iffy to choose a song that was sung by another Idol because you will automatically, without question, be compared. Now, Paige sounds a little like Kelly, but without that powerhouse range. I'm just not sure if she is anything more than what we've seen, which is practically the same song two weeks in a row. If she's around next week, she needs to shake things up a bit. She needs to open the doors with a ballad that she can murder and let people see the vocals that have been hidden up to this point.
Siobhan Magnus- "Think" by Aretha Franklin
First, let me start by saying that Siobhan is so odd. This girl is ranking up there in the "strangest contestants ever" category. Her interviews are awkward and quirky, but I think that is part of her charm to the people who are voting for her. Vocally, I like her a lot. She ran a risk with singing Aretha, especially this song. Like Paige's choice, this one is also fairly wordy during the verses, but Siobhan possesses the chops to be able to add some meat to them, even if they are dancing around the same note most of the time. But all that matters not, because you don't even remember those notes after her insane banshee note at the end of the song. It came from absolutely no where and she killed it. It was a B by the way, which is crazy. It was the water-cooler talk around the country and she is guaranteed to be on the show next week. The buzz on the net is that some of Lambert's fans are starting to vote for her due to her out-there sense of style (blue, strapless gown and polka dot shirt!?) and flair for the dramatic notes. That would give her a huge leg up in the competition. I'm interested in seeing what else she can pull out of her bag after that performance.
All in all, the performances were way better than last week. Hopefully they can keep it up and impress us even more come next week.
As for who is going home, I think that Lacey dodged the bullet last week, but she won't be able to again. If I did slap-bets, I would definitely take that one. As for the other girl hitting the road, I think that it SHOULD be Haeley, but I think it will ultimately be either Michelle or Paige, just due to them not really killing it and not having the fan base that Haeley supposedly has. For the guys, I had John Park and Todrick Hall heading home tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if Jermaine or Tim went home instead of Todrick, but Jermaine has a better personality (which matters since he's splitting the R&B votes with Todrick) and Tim has the tweens and VFTW. So, my final picks are: Lacey, Michelle, John, and Todrick. You heard it here first.
How do you think this episode stacked up? Are you feeling a little less frustrated now that the contestants are starting to put up some decent performances? Is a girl definitely going to win this year? All things I want to know.
Until next time...
Your American Idol Junkie,
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Top 10 Guys: It's a Man's World
I'm not going to waste any time. On to the reviews!
So, we find out that Big Mike has a flair for the dramatic in his bumper video. That is hilarious to me. What's even more funny is that he can curl little Aaron Kelly. This guy is a hoot. I like him a lot. This was, by far, Michael's best performance on the show. Channeling his inner Ruben Studdard, Michael crooned out a goldie, showing that he is not just the fun-loving body builder, but a serious contender in this competition. His confidence is unmatched at this point in the competition, by both the other guys and the girls. He has a swagger on the stage that you just can't teach. It's innate. He also showed us with his vocals that he might have what it takes to be a great R&B artist. It was smooth, on pitch, and had the right amount of frill to spice it up, without sounding like he was over singing it. He is undoubtedly safe.