Wednesday, January 27, 2010

AIJunkie 2010!

What's up guys and gals!? Welcome back to another season of AI Junkie! It's been a long off season but we are back for another year, bringing you the very best in American Idol coverage- everything from breaking news to water cooler gossip, from performance reviews to weekly predictions. We at AI Junkie take pride in providing everything that is essential for you to maximize your American Idol viewing experience.

After a thrilling season 8, I am eagerly looking ahead to the upcoming season, hoping that the contestants can step up to the bar that has been set. Last season may have been the most exciting that we've seen yet. We had one of the most charismatic performers that has ever walked Idol's stage in Adam Lambert. We had the ultimate dark horse in Kris Allen who, despite receiving little to no airtime during the Auditions and Hollywood Week, stormed from the back of the pack with his creative song arrangements to be crowned the season 8 American Idol. The finale was one of the best I've seen for any competition, complete with a plethora of superstars and high octane performances. All this makes me wonder if the new season can live up to the hype. Can it possibly be better than last season? Well, I asked the very same question at the beginning of last season in the wake of the David Archuleta vs David Cook showdown. AI answered with a spectacular season, so my fingers are crossed that it answers again. With a new judge in Ellen Degeneres (replacing Paula and her endearing, drunken stammering) and this possibly being Simon's last season on the show, we are sure to see some crazy things go down this season!

We have seen 5 audition cities thus far- Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, Orlando, and LA. By this point in the audition process, I have previously been able to predict a few people who will be contenders for the title. To be honest with you, I have not seen that kind of talent thus far. I've seen a few good (not great) people, but for the most part, I have been disappointed in the auditions. It seems as though the producers have shown three times as many bad singers as good, so hopefully, the great singers are just waiting to be seen during Hollywood Week. Here is for hoping...

For newcomers to the forum (because that is what this is meant to be- an open dialogue about the show you love), I encourage you to voice your opinions about performances, reviews, or anything else that pertains to the show. We love to discuss what is going on in AI Land and hear each others opinions- always in a respectful way of course. To those returning, welcome back! I'm looking forward to getting off the ground again and continuing our epic dialogue!

I won't be posting regularly until Hollywood week and after, but there will be a special insiders column about the American Idol Audition process, as experienced by yours truly. So be on the lookout for that! I'm excited to be back and I hope you all are too!

Your American Idol Junkie,
