Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dynamic Duo- Elimination Results (Spoiler Alert!)

Last night's elimination episode of American Idol offered what most people considered to be a shock, but not to this blog. We know the deal! They can't pull one over our eyes! Here is a shake-down of what went down last night.

1) Yet again, the Ford commercial sucks. It seems as though the new producer for these commercials is VERY fond of cheesy graphics. The past 4 weeks or so have included some sort of cartoon drawing of the characters. It's getting rather old, but only one more week remains, so we don't have to suffer throught that for a few more months until next year.

2) The guest performers this week were Jordin Sparks and Katy Perry. a) Jordin Sparks is HOT! I picked her to win season 6 when I first heard her audition with Celine Dion's "Because You Loved Me." She can SANG. The new song is ok, but I'm sure it's like most pop songs right now, I have to listen to it a few times before I can like it. b) Katy Perry is ridiculous. I'm not sure she was allowed to ENDORSE a candidate, but she certainly did with "Adam Lambert" written across her cape. Yes, if you didn't watch it, she was wearing a cape with basically a bathing suit to try and give an Elvis look. If Elvis wore that on stage, I would have vomited everywhere. Prior to her performance, Danny was saying that he was ready to just get it over with and hear the results. Then you hear Adam chime in "I want to see Katy Peeeeeerrrrry!" in a pleading sort of way. It was comical to me. Her performance was fodder, but someone I was watching it with said that Adam wanted to wear one of the costumes of her dancers holding the huge feather fans. That was also extremely comical...and left a disturbing mental image.

3) Instead of a trio group number, this week more time is allotted to videos of the contestants going home. First we see Danny in Milwaukee. It is ok. We see a lot of people come out to support him. We learn that he can't throw a baseball well at all. We see his friend that auditioned with him, Jamar. Remember him? Surprisingly we don't get to see the church that he sings at...first you gyrate then you diss the church?! Come on, Danny. Next is Kris Allen. Ok, so Kris is already a superstar in Arkansas. Everywhere he went there were thousands of people. The one stadium had 20,000 people in it at least. That is big time. Of course, they don't have anything going on in Arkansas usually, so this is a big achievement for them. His (huge) family made his section touching, especially him and his dad. It was a special moment for them. Adam's homecoming had less than a turnout than I thought it would, being that it was San Diego, but that could have been the reason why as well. Not too many nationally known celebrities hail from Milwaukee and Arkansas, but plenty do from California, so it ain't no thang for the West Coasters. I did like that Adam went to his old theater and talked to the kids. That would probably be pretty cool for them to hear from someone who has succeeded. There was a young Adam Lambert in the crowd of kids, asking him who did his hair. Kid, you have little chance of growing up heterosexual. What we learn from these segments is that the voting demographic is a vast majority 13-15 year old screaming, crying, flailing girls and 35-40 year old screaming, crying, flailing women. It's like the Beatles were walking down the street back in the day. It was nuts.

4) Finally, we get down to the results. As our three amigos stand center stage with Ryan, the lights go dim and it begins. The first contestant sent to safety is...KRIS! This is what I predicted in my last post. Kris was EXTREMELY deserving of a spot in the finals. He found a way to prosper in a climate that was more suited towards big voiced singers by using his creativity and musicality to enhance his artistry. It also probably helped that he's an attractive guy and the aforementioned voting demographic practically wet themselves whenever he sings. Now, it's down to Danny and Adam, the two that MANY people predicted would meet in the finals. At this point, I honestly did not know who was leaving. Ryan announces that the person going to the finals next week is...ADAM! I know that Danny is a good singer, but these two deserve it more than anyone else on the show did, reitterating my point at the beginning of the season that, thought it seems like a popularity contest at first, by the end, America usually gets it right. Since we saw the top 36, these were the two contestants that I picked. No one had heard of Kris Allen and no one knew what Adam was capable of. I told them to just watch and see. They did not disappoint me this season.

Well there you have it! The roommates are battling each other in the Finale next week, and I think it will be a great show. But before I leave you, I must comment on Simon's statement at the end of the episode. He said, and I quote, "This could be a big ding-dong." (that's what she said). REALLY Simon?! Apparently that means "good" across the pond, but REALLY. I took a picture of Kris Allen's face when he said that and this is what I got. Priceless.

Haha. What do you think, folks? Did Danny deserve to go home? Or should he have beaten one of the other contestants to make it to the finals? Let me know your thoughts! Get ready for an awesome Finale!

Your American Idol Junkie,



Lauren said...

Since not being able to watch with the usual crowd (Beach takes precedence, sorry)here are my thoughts:

1)Jordan Sparks was FLAT! (Some of the time), also her background singers at one point couldn't blend worth a crap, were off, and were kinda overpowering her. They probably couldn't hear each other and the sound was mixed wrong, but still.... I's just sayin....

2)Did Katy Perry's eyes remind you of anything? And she also picked a minor wedgie on camera at the end of her song.

3)Go back and look at Kris'going home video. Look at his wife's face (especially at the end) and tell me what you think....

4)You should have seen Kels reaction when they announced Kris would be in the finals (kicking and screaming like a teenie bopper... it was awesome and made my night)

5)BAHAHAHAHA that picture of Kris' face is PRICELESS!!! That made my day!

Anonymous said...

Sad to see Danny go. He is a class act. I would have been happy if Adam would have been voted off. His career will do fine on it's own and winning American Idol would only serve to enlarge his already larger than life ego. I could have done without another night of faux humility. "I'm just so honored to be standing here with these other two guys.";"I just love wearing makeup." To be fair, I am an Adam hater as you can see. His vocals annoy me almost as much as his personality. Like the rest of America, I am amazed that he can scream like that but I would never in a million years listen to more than one song sung by him in a 24 hr period. Gokey could sing me the phonebook and Kris is just a swell guy. Now I just hope that the nice guy doesn't finish last.

mandy said...

I wasn't very impressed by Jordin's performance. And I'm probably Katy Perry's biggest un-fan.

I am SO glad Kris made it... and as much as i dont really like Adam, I think the two of them are the ones who deserve to be in the finale. They're both talented singers (though in very different genres), but they are also both artistically and musically the most gifted out of the crew. And maybe Kris did get through thanks to the teeny-boppers and 8-12 year old girls, but nonetheless, he deserves the top spot.

So many people have already practically given the title to Adam which really bugs me. I've been arguing for Kris's chances at work all morning!! Ryan mentioned last night that out of the 88 million votes cast, only ONE MILLION separated the top 2!! And if you think about it... the Gokey fans are more likely to jump on the Kris bandwagon rather than Adam's... just judging by their comparable styles. But who knows what will happen!!!