I have been pulling for this finale since the top 36 was announced (even before I heard them sing on Idols stage). These two finalists have far and away been my favorites of the season. Adam, with his incredible range and stage presence, is the presumed front-runner, and has been so since the first time we saw him in his auditions. More than any other contestant in the history of Idol, Adam has a kind of confidence and swagger that rivals most professionals in the industry. Kris, on the other hand, is the picture you will find in the dictionary beside the term "dark horse." Having minimal exposure in the audition and Hollywood rounds, most wrote him off as another attractive guy with no shot of winning. He has quietly, but soundly, marched into a deserving spot in the finals with his ability to rearrange a song to suit his strengths while appealing to a wide variety of listeners.
The two have experienced the entire journey together and probably form the biggest Yin and Yang finale we've seen yet. Though their styles are as different as black is from white, these two have formed an extremely close friendship, with their differences somehow bringing them in harmony with one another. Kris stated in an interview, "Adam and I kind of rely on each other." Let's take a look at their journey.

Adam paints all of his nails black, except his right thumbnail. Kris paints his right thumbnail. Adam says "If you can carry around a piece of me, man; I can do the same for you." Gokey feels left out of the bromance.
Adam and Kris hug it out after Kris is announced into the finals.
People on several message boards have lovingly nick-named the duo, "Kradam", a slash name along the likes of "Brangelina" for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Some have taken it to the extent that they are unhealthily fantasizing an ACTUAL romance between the two. We here at aijunkie do not support or endorse these rumors, but the pictures DO look different once you hear that, haha.
Now that we have taken a look at the competitors, let's see what songs they should sing. Supposedly, the format for the finale will be as follows: one self picked "contestant favorite" song that they have sang earlier in the competition, one song chosen by producer Simon Fuller, and the yet-announced winner's single, a la "A Moment Like This" or "This is My Now"...whatever that means. The winner's single has been rumored to have been written by fellow judge, Kara Dioguardi. After last weeks results, Kris won a coin toss to decide who sings first. Adam will be singing first, which gives Kris the upper hand, knowing exactly what he's got to beat each performance. Here are my suggestions for the other songs the guys should sing.
Adam Lambert - His Pick - Tears for Fears "Mad World" or Led Zeppelin "Whole Lotta Love"
This was, arguably, Adam's best performance of the season, minus one pitchy last note. It was still enough to merit a standing ovation from Simon, the first ever in the history of the show. If you recall, this was also the song that was cut off from most of America's DVRs since the show ran over it's allotted time slot. So, there are a great many people who have probably never heard his rendition. This would be the smart pick for him, but depending on what Simon Fuller picked for him, he might switch it up. If the producer selects a fast song, then I think he'll do this one, but if Simon picks a ballad, then I think Adam will go with "Whole Lotta Love." Since rock is his genre of choice, and he killed that song, this would be the up-tempo choice. It's tough to pick which songs are better than others when he's been so consistent across the stretch of the season. I would love to hear "Ring of Fire" again, but the masses who don't appreciate that style would burn him at the stake. He might pull a David Cook and do a completely new song, also. Who really knows what Adam Lambert is going to do besides Adam Lambert?
Kris Allen - His Pick - Bill Withers "Ain't No Sunshine" or Kanye West "Heartless" or Once "Falling Slowly"
I will be happy if Kris chooses any one of these songs to sing. I loved each of his original performances of these tunes and would love to hear them again. Part of me wonders if it's too soon to do "Heartless" again, since he just did it last week, but being that it was the song that catapulted him past Danny into the Finals, he should probably go with that. What I would WANT to hear is "Ain't No Sunshine" because that is when he showed the most artistry of any of his songs. Yes, Kanye acoustic was unique, but not a terribly foreign concept, since Nathaniel Marshall did it with "Disturbia" in Hollywood. "Ain't No Sunshine," in my opinion, showed more versatility, soul, and passion, as well as sounded amazing. "Falling Slowly" has crept into my top 5 songs played on my iPhone, so I would like that too. And it's the song that he sang for all of his going home concerts. Needless to say, I'll be fine with any of these, and this song, whatever he chooses, should refresh your memory to how good Kris became this season.
Adam Lambert - Producer Pick - Chris Isaak "Wicked Games" or Survivor "Eye of the Tiger" or Journey "Open Arms" or Guns-N-Roses "Welcome to the Jungle"
Most of these have been seen before on previous week's picks. I've only got one last shot at getting to hear any of these songs, so I hope Simon Fuller reads this and has either 1) already picked one of these songs, or 2) scraps everything he's planned and tells Adam to do one of these instead. Adam is a pro, he can handle a last minute change :). The new addition is Chris Isaak's "Wicked Games" is sure to make some of you scratch your heads, but there are some very cool versions of this on YouTube that make me think that Adam could do quite well with it, especially if he uses his creative musicality to alter the arrangement. Simon Fuller seems to like Adam a lot, as is evident by all of the pimpage (not that it wasn't deserved) so I see him picking something that Adam can knock out of the park.
Kris Allen - Producer Pick - Lifehouse "Everything" or "Broken" or Goo Goo Dolls "Iris" or Jason Mraz "The Remedy"
I feel as though Simon will play to Kris' strengths, giving him an acoustic/alternative song that will fit with his style and voice. But in order for Kris to shine and not sound karaoke, he needs to do a fresh version of whatever song he sings. He has done this several times this season, so it's not hard to imagine that he can do it again. Having listened to some Lifehouse this morning, I think that these would be great choices. They can incorporate his guitar as well as a string section that can tie it all together in an ethereal mix. He can do this with any of these songs, maybe aside from "The Remedy." That was chosen as his up-tempo number that can compliment a slower song like "Falling Slowly." Mraz is right up Kris' alley in terms of style and sound, so it would be a good fit. I could even see some Dave Matthews thrown up in there. He needs to do very well in this round, though.
If Kris doesn't give all that he in this round, he will find it hard to pass Adam in the final song. As has been the case the past several seasons, the contestant with the bigger voice usually always wins the "winner's song" round, and ultimately the show. Since Adam's voice is huge in comparison to Kris', and they have to sing the same arrangement, he is at a disadvantage here. Think back to Jordin Sparks and Blake Lewis. He was good, but he simply didn't have the vocal chops to match with Jordin. Could that be a factor this year as well?
I really have no idea who is going to win at this point. One article likens this "battle" to our latest presidential race, pointing out that America is shifting it's view to a more liberal stance. Adam would definitely fit into this "liberal stance" more than the conservative Kris. This same article also states that the "swing vote" from Danny's exit might heavily favor Kris since only one million votes separated the two finalists last week. Yet another article discusses how the two have brought hope to our country, showing that two different people, with vastly different cultures and religious beliefs, can form a bond and not let personal beliefs mar a great friendship. This does give us hope that America truly is becoming a united country, where prejudices no longer exist. Though not there completely, we are gradually getting there, and Kris and Adam provide a good example of that.
I think (and hope) that America will vote based on who performs the best tonight. It can go either way, because both contestants deserve to be on that stage. I think, as cliche as it seems, Adam Lambert puts it best. "At this point, we both feel like we’ve already won." Indeed. This pair seems to have the makings of true stars of the future. No matter who wins, these two already are American Idols.
Let me know who you think should take the crown! According to the poll, people think that Adam will win, but will the recent shake downs affect the outcome? Let me know.
Your American Idol Junkie,
The final song sucks and i didn't like either person singing it. Kara only works with female singers! This song would be tons better for one of the female idol winners (i.e. Jordan Sparks).
I mean, it was really bad. Can they please not sing that after one of them wins tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I fear they will have to sing it.
Go, Kris Allen!
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