Again, let me apologize for not posting the elimination results last week. I have been pretty busy lately and finding the time to deliver insightful posts is getting harder and harder to do. No worries though, I’ll give you the results from last week in this post in addition to the usual song predictions.
Last week we saw the elimination of Allison Iraheta. I can’t say that I agree with the choice, because I’d rather see Danny headed home, but I can say that I understand it. Allison, while being a very good singer, had very few magical moments on the Idol stage. Aside from an amazing version of Heart’s “Alone,” her other performances were consistently good, but not overwhelmingly great. Each of the other remaining contestants have had several great performances, so it’s not a shock that it shook down the way it did.
I’m really looking forward to how this season is going to wind down. I feel that we are at a point where anyone can win, or anyone can be sent home. This is a talented top 3 and it will be interesting to see who steps up to the plate and delivers this week.
One other sidenote- Paula’s performance was eerily reminiscent of a Britney Spears show. It’s like Paula is her grandmother and taught her how to suck at lip-syncing, but still put on an entertaining show. I was more entertained with her performance than most of the other guest performers that they’ve had this season. Also, Daughtry wins for best performance from a former Idol. It was a really good song. It’s a shame that Taylor Hicks won over him.
Now it’s time for the top 3 song predictions. To my understanding, the contestants are going to each sing two songs this week, one is their pick, the other is a song that the judges select. This makes me think that I have no shot of picking either of the songs correctly, but I will attempt anyway.
Adam Lambert – His pick- Survivor “Eye of the Tiger” and Judges pick- Journey “Open Arms”
I will continue to push for “Eye of the Tiger”. I don’t care if it’s the 4th time that I’ve suggested it. You know he would sound good on it, so I won’t bother explaining myself again on that front. I’m hoping that Randy Jackson has some sway in what song Adam sings for the Judges pick. As the former bass player for Journey, not to mention his work with Mariah Carey (who recorded a cover) as her musical director/bass player, he has had extensive experience with this song. I’m imagining that Adam will pick a wild song and the judges will pick something more toned down that will show off the softer side again. He would sound incredible on this song. Not only is his voice perfect to sing Steve Perry, but he’d be able to sell the emotional connection that accompanies this song. I’m hoping that we get to see both sides of Adam this week. It’d be good for him to show off his range as a vocalist, giving something to the fans who enjoy the up-tempo shrills and those that prefer the more mellow crooning. Adam has been the “favorite” to win it for a vast majority of the season, but stranger things have happened in the past to show that the contestant who might deserve to win might not always be allowed to win. I still think we will see him in the finals regardless.
Danny Gokey – His pick- Josh Groban “You Raise Me Up” and Judges pick- Bruce Springsteen “Born in the USA”
This week, the top 3 made their way back to their hometowns to visit their legions of adoring fans. This has me thinking that we are in for several back-stories to come into play. Up to this point (at least the top 32), Danny has managed to keep the story of his late wife on the back burner. Though thoroughly exhausted during auditions and Hollywood week, I think that it was smart for him to hold back so that he could bring it up again now. He will gain several million votes this way, but I’m hoping that America is voting based on his songs, not his past. I can see him doing “You Raise Me Up” in honor of his wife. This is a very popular song in secular and Christian circles, so I feel like it would be a fitting and an emotional rendition. Though his voice is FAR from Josh Groban’s, I can still hear this song being sung in Danny’s tamber. For the Judges Pick, I think they should pick some Springsteen, like I suggested last week. Again, the patriotic theme matched with a song that would fit his voice perfectly would bode well for Danny and allow him to coast into the finals.
Kris Allen – His Pick- Goo Goo Dolls “Iris” and Judges pick- Eric Clapton “Layla”
Kris is going to have to step up big this week. I think it’s funny how someone who decided last minute to audition with his brother is now in the top 3 and a household name. As has been stated previously, it’s a common known fact that Kris does not have the voice to compete with the other two guys. He is going to have to beat them this week with originality and artistry, something that he definitely has over Danny. I can see him sticking to his acoustic-yet alternative- vibe with the Goo Goo Dolls and Clapton. He can play his guitar and show how he is different from the other two in his musicality. If he switches up the arrangements a little, makes one a ballad, and gives the ladies what they want, I can see him being able to make it into the finals. But he has to have a lot go his way in order for this to take place, seeing as Adam and Danny have been the front-runners from the get-go. A good group of performances won’t keep him in this competition. He has to be spectacular, a la “Ain’t No Sunshine” or “She Works Hard for the Money.”
There you have it folks, my predictions for this week. I’m hoping that our first ever all-male top 3 rises to the challenge and gives us a strong fight for the title. As I said earlier, right now, anyone can win and anyone can go home. Who do you think deserves to leave this week and who deserves to win? Tell me your opinion.
Your American Idol Junkie,
PS- Here is link that shows just how good a person Paula is. She made it possible for Scott to get a seeing eye dog.
word on the street around campus is that anoop has been chosen as Scott's "man-sitter" while on tour, and he's not too happy about it.
paula's performance was terrible. you cant have a good performance where it is blatently obvious that you are lip syncing. that is shameful - even paula ought to be above that. in other news, i like your song choices this week, billy. you are rather good at this.
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